
What people have said

I found your […] report so very informative, and I especially liked how you presented the funding options and the various outcomes.

P. Foster

Thank you very much for coming out to the council meeting and making the presentation on Tuesday night. It was well received and from a staff perspective, we believe accomplished exactly what we wanted.

D. Stevens

I would like to say thank you for the information that you have compiled on Asset Insights. I am new to the role of facilities management and am working at a small college […] that is working hard to rebuild after year of financial and physical neglect.

T. Covington

We’re currently working on a technical book on the occupational health and safety aspects of maintenance tasks. We contact you to ask permission for use as illustrations some of the pictures we’ve found at your website.

D. Cepeda

Thank you all for an exceptional two days of education. The exit surveys indicated a high level of satisfaction.

R. Williams

I just wanted to thank you for attending the AGM last week. It was a great help in getting the budget passed!

M. Jordan

I was quite surprised at how impressed the councillors and mayor were […] Two councillors in particular went out of their way to express their thanks for the great piece of work and how useful of a tool it will be to help them with their upcoming financial planning (despite the challenges identified in the report).

W. Knowles

Thank you for the prompt and thorough work. I am impressed! This is way more than I had expected.

R. Tessier

Thank you very much for the presentation to Council last night. I think it was excellent. Received positive feed back from Council members during the break last night. I look forward to discussing our work plan for next steps.

R. Hayre